Tango photo


Photo album Tango Marathon Cannoli Ospitanti at Hotel Perla del Golfo in Terrasini. Ph. Silvia Orlando. From 13 to 16 June


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Le Candele

Sporting Village Palermo

Tuesday 25 June at 21.30 iinauguration Milonga "Le Candele". TDj Lillo Giacomarra. Via Faraone,12 Palermo


Kalta Club


Tuesday 25 June at 22.00, Kalta Club Milonga. Tango Dj Elisabetta Piro and David Mateu. Via Beato Angelico, 16, 90145 Palermo.

San Vito lo Capo

San Vito Lo Capo

San Vito lo Capo Tango Marathon 31 May 1-2 June 2019. Via Faro, 91010 San Vito Lo Capo TP, Italia


Custanaci Tango

Custonaci Tango from the 7th to the 9th of June 2019, tango clasees at 18.00 and milonga at 22.00. Civitas Tango and Le Ali di Custonaci organization.

Cuba LIbre


Sunday milonga at Cuba Libre starting 21.00. Via dei Nebrodi 55, Palermo

PTF 2019l


Tango Festival Palermo From 25th to 28th July at The Botanical Garden of Palermo. Via Lincoln 2 Palermo.


CST 2019


Civitas Summer Tango 2019 from 20 to 30 June. Full immersion with
Silvina Larrea and Pablo Pouchot in via Marchese di Roccaforte 50. The final mlonga will take place at Le Siepi, Via Badia 259, Palermo.


From 7 to 9 November, Otono en Palermo, Tango festival e Marathon with Luca Morale & Francesca Santangelo.

The guillotine

the guillotine

Lets play the Tango guilottne, find the mystery word related to argentinian tango and answer using your Facebook profile.

Tango Video

tango video

Videos about Tango in Palermo are at the Video section. If you want to contribuite, you can send your video at tangoapalermo@gmail.com.

Milonga Calendar

In order to view correctly the milonga calendar we suggest you to refresh the web page pressing F5 on your keyboard. Tango Calendar.